9 Household Items You Need

It's so easy to get caught up on the big purchases (like sofas and beds) when you're buying a new home, so we've listed out nine items we couldn't live without but that you might not have thought about.

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Garlic Crusher

Peel your garlic in seconds with the silicone sleeve and then crush it into your delicious dishes, no smelly garlic under your finger nails!

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Slow Cooker

There’s nothing quite like coming home to the smell of a fresh meal that’s ready in the slow cooker!

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Coloured Sponges

Coloured sponges are a must for bathroom cleaning! We use blue for the loo and pink for the sink in our house.

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Lemon Juicer

Keep that lemon juice fresh in the fridge after you’ve juiced it. Just chop and twist.

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Allen Key Tool

Don’t save all those annoying little Allen keys from Ikea. Get a proper tool and keep them all in one place.

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Extension Lead

Essential for when you need to mow the lawn or hoover the car, or even just work on the laptop somewhere different in the house.

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Pineapple Splitter

No need to wrestle with peeling and cutting the pineapple. Just use this handy gadget and it’ll do it for you.

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Extendable Duster

Don’t drag a chair or steps around to get those hard to reach places anymore. Just wander around with the extendable duster.

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Adhesive Hooks or Strips

Adhesive hooks or strips are a great alternative for hanging those small pictures around the house.

If you’re thinking about moving or buying your first home then contact us for a no obligation consultation with one of our Advisers.


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