Tips for Moving House

Moving house is often listed as one of the most stressful life events, which is understandable. It can be expensive, there’s so much to think about on the buying (and potentially selling) side, there’s all that packing and unpacking, and you often have to get everything done in a short amount of time. We’re stressed just thinking about it!

But it’s all worth it once you shut that door and have your first meal in your new home.

It is possible to make it easier and take some of that stress away though. Take a look at our top 15 tips to make moving house run a bit smoother.


Tip 1 - If you can afford to then use the services of a professional mover.

You might think it’ll save some money by borrowing your mate’s van and asking your family or friends to help but, unless you’re a first time buyer and don’t really have much furniture, then you’ll end up paying in time and potentially damages (including to yourself).

Professional movers can speed things up and ensure your precious possessions don’t get lost or damaged. Plus most good ones will offer a service for disassembling and rebuilding key bits of furniture like beds, tables etc. No one wants to be building a bed at midnight after carrying heavy boxes all day!


Tip 2 - Box up everything, and we mean everything!

It can feel tempting to leave certain things and just carry them separately. Especially if they’re awkwardly shaped or big. But you risk them getting damaged or lost en route and you’ll spend extra time carrying them in and out of the house. Remove all the unnecessary extra trips you can.

If you’ve got too many clothes for a suitcase then you can get boxes with fitted hangers in. This means you can literally lift the clothes out of your wardrobe, into the box and then out of the box into your new wardrobe. No horrible untangling or unfolding of clothes from a bin bag needed!


Tip 3 - Be prepared.

It’s tempting to leave packing until the last minute but this is a sure fire way to ensure you stress levels hit the roof. Pack as much as you can in the weeks before, leaving essential items until last.

It’s also worth thinking about disassembling furniture before moving day too. Trust us, you don’t want to be trying to remember how the kitchen table comes apart so it’ll get out the door when the removal guys are standing there.

Bonus tip, if you are disassembling furniture then put bolts, screws and manuals into a freezer bag, label it and tape it to the relevant item. It’ll save you time on the other side.


Tip 4 - Declutter before you move.

Why spend extra money and effort transporting stuff to your new house that you’re just going to throw away anyway?

Use moving as an excuse to get rid of those items you don’t use or clothes that just don’t fit anymore.


Tip 5 - Label boxes clearly.

Labelling boxes properly will save you a lot of time unpacking. Especially if you’ve got people helping.

If you label each box with the room it needs to go into and the items it contains then you can ask people to take boxes and unpack for you. You can always tidy it up later.


Tip 6 - Have a plan.

You don’t need a minute by minute itinerary, although if you can do that and stick to it then crack on! But it does help to think about roughly what you need to do and what order you want to do it in.

For example, move big furniture in first and then boxes, so you don’t have to move boxes out of the way to get your sofa in.

Also make sure you unpack essential rooms first, like children’s bedrooms or the kitchen. There’s no point making the garage look amazing if you don’t have a bed to sleep on or a way to make a brew.


Tip 7 - Clean before you move in.

If you can give your new home a clean before you clutter it up with boxes then it’s worth it. But it might mean seeing if you can borrow the keys for a day or extend your move over two days.


Tip 8 - Photograph your valuables.

Take photos of your most valuable possessions. If they get lost or damaged then you know you’ve got a record of how they looked before they left your old home. This is also worth doing for insurances, so it’s a double win!


Tip 9 - Pack a box for each child.

Moving with children can bring extra stress, whether they’re excited or not. Giving each child a “special” box to pack themselves can be a great way to get them involved. You can get them to write their name on it, decorate it and fill it with their most precious toys. They can even help to load it into the van or car.


Tip 10 - Get someone to look after children and pets.

If you can get a family member or friend to look after your children or pets when you’re moving then do it! They’ll be happier because they won’t be bored and you’ll be less stressed because you won’t have a tiny person saying “I’m hungry, I’m tired, I want to watch Paw Patrol” one million times an hour while you’re figuring out where the box with the towels is.


Tip 11 - Check for lightbulbs.

This is a slightly random one but make sure your new home has lightbulbs, or you’ve got enough to fit them yourself. You really don’t want to get everything unloaded and then realise you need to pop to the supermarket to buy a lightbulb for every room in the house…trust us!


Tip 12 - Make a post move to do list.

Before you move, make a list of everything you need to do once you’re settled, like setting up utility bills, registering to vote and re-directing post. Your brain will be frazzled enough by the time you’ve moved. Don’t make it have to remember all these things itself.


Tip 13 - Pack an essentials box…or two.

Set aside a couple of boxes that’ll travel with you, which include essential items you’ll need as soon as you get through the door. Think phone chargers, scissors, box cutters, mugs, kettle, tea/coffee, snacks, toilet roll, hand towel, handwash, slippers, bottle opener, bedding etc.

You probably also want a box or freezer bag with any food you’re bringing in the car with you.


Tip 14 - Scope out the local takeaways.

If you’re not familiar with the area, figure out which are the best takeaways and put your order in early. Give yourself one less thing to do and clear up on moving day!


Tip 15 - Write a note.

It can be nice to write the people who are buying your old home a note, welcoming them to their new home. You can give them some tips like where to find the stopcock and which are the best places to eat in the area, you know, the essential stuff!


If you’re moving soon then we hope our top tips helped! Get in touch on our social channels if you’ve got any tips of your own. We’d love to hear them!


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